ok, I did trash those dried out markers and the cassette tapes from my days of teaching aerobics. and I thot about purging my videos and my paper scraps (yes, I save all pieces! its a disease, I tell ya!), but what if I need that one piece of purple and I got rid of it???
I'm so excited, Pamela took me over to the condo today to measure for my new fridge and dryer. in the kitchen, there's a corner cabinet with one of those spinning rack thingys so you have more space to store stuff (pots and pans). there aren't very many drawers however, so I'm gonna have to figure something out for my cooking utensils!
thanks to Robby, the dubins and the cute girl baristas (ok, the guys too!) at the Starbuxs near the office for saving me boxes! thanks to Kris for coming over on Saturday to help pack the kitchen!
my cuticles are wracked and my back is talking to me, but I accomplished a lot this weekend. hopefully, I won't stress as moving day gets closer!!!