Tagged by MadRetz. Can you tell I'm procrastinating? The week/weekend update seems like a major task and I'm just not up to that yet.
So, back to the meme. I know, its supposed to be 7 unusual things about me, but the more I thot about it, the more they started to be about neurosis, ocd behavior, angst inducing activities (altho' there are a couple of things that are pretty ordinary).
Do you really want a glimpse into my psyche? : .D Here we go!
1. I like to have a hand towel and a dish towel in the kitchen. I can't stand it if they are used for the other's purpose. (That goes for the kitchen sponge as well...I like a dish sponge and a sponge for cleaning. My X-MIL once took the dish sponge and wiped kitty grime from the outdoor cat rubbing itself on the corner of the fridge, and went back to washing dishes with it. I was totally grossed out. I love cats, but...ugh!) Cross contamination, not!
2. You know how you wrap the towel turban-like on your head after washing your hair? I hate to have it covering my ears. That goes for shower caps. I do like the blanket over my ears tho'. Remember that urban legend about earwigs???
3. MadRetz sez I am the pickyest eater of everything. I like all fuds except beans (especially lima beans) and rice pudding, but I like 'em how I like 'em. For example: "Grande, non-fat, xtra hot chai latte, no water, no foam, xtra squirt of chai syrup..." And a defining sense of self!!! Do you remember those scenes in When Harry Met Sally? How she orders fuds in a restaurant? HM, high maintenance. But I'm not, really.
4. Speaking of fuds, I eat things in order. Starting with veggies, then protein, then starches. I won't take a bite of one thing and then another. Each fud has to be eaten in succession.
5. I know where all the bathrooms are in Disneyland. I have a small bladder and I drink a lot of fluids.
6. I used to drag race. At the track of course. No illegal stuff for me.
7. I sunbathed topless in the South of France, wheeeeee!!!
A shot of some grass by the sea in Northern California. Unusual.
Topless in France. . . scandalous!
And who goes mixing their dry towels and hand towels. That's just wrong. I hear you on this one!
You are quite the quirky daredevil!
P.S. Loved your work on Nudge-Nudge.
Hee! So glad you played. It's quite nice having you around whenever I need a bathroom!
uh...i just realized, as I was typing in the word verification, that that sounds weird.
as if:
I need a bathroom...where's Phin?
But everyone knows what I mean.
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