
Monday, January 21, 2008

Do or Do Not. There is No Try.

Well, I don't have anything particularly clever to say this evening. Maybe because I'm distracted by hockey. Maybe because I need to up the blood sugar. I did do art, so here it is with its inspiration. Get yourself a soda and a sit, it'll take a while to read thru...

This came to me during my run Saturday morning. That would be a 4 mile run, outside, on the asphalt. (Too bad you can't see the biggest grin, its blinding!) Day one of 1/2 marathon training. Anywhoo, just thinking and day dreaming away the huffing and puffing and Yoda's voice came to me..."Do or do not, there is no try." Of course, I had the perfect photo and the layout was born. I just happened to have the dictionary page with the definition for "runner." Hee!

This was for the SIStv Elsie Challenge, week #3 - Use a ribbon border. A friend asked me Que quieres? (What do you want?) and I've been tossing the thot around for a few weeks. I've come to no answer to the question (mostly because it seems as if what I want is unobtainable), but it was a great title for this layout.

I love how the background on this piece came out. Its a gel transfer of the photo from Friday's post. The Paper Adventure 08 prompt this week was "What's next?" Inspired by the West Wing and the president's always asking 'whats' next.' I had a lot of trouble with this...

What's next, what's next???

What's next in the next few moments, or
what's next in the next week, or
what's next in the next few months, or
what's next in the next year???


How about more art classes?
Maybe more physical therapy?
You really should be concentrating on your spirituality!


Then, as I was stressing about completing the piece, a quiet voice said...

"Be patient and it will become evident."

I need to apply this to "Que quieres?" too!

Ha! Again the universe speaks to and thru me!

Lastly, (is that a grammatically correct word? are there enough letters in grammatically?") Christina Clouse (click Eye Candy in the right sidebar) has started a new blog called Postcards from Here (http://postcards-from-here.blogspot.com/ Blogger won't accept the tagging for this.) where she is posting prompts (and tutorials) to inspire the creation of art & journaling, using postcards. Correspondence to yourself.

The prompt made me think of the quote from Sleepless in Seattle, where Sam Baldwin speaks of meeting his (deceased) wife for the first time. "I knew it the first time I toucher her. It was like coming home. Only to no home I'd ever know. I was just taking her hand to help her out of a car. And I just knew. It was like...Magic."

Yes, taking someone's hand and knowing its where you are supposed to be...Home.

What did you end up doing this weekend?


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Phin, you find such wonderful ways to express yourself and each work of art says something about you; and you know, we will probably always be asking ourselves what we want. . . isn't that what it's all about?

Nan said...

I am in awe, and fascinated by that transfer! How in the world did you do that? Is there a book?

Love the postcards idea, too.

Anonymous said...

Ahh! Master Yoda speaks the truth. As does Master Phin. Yoda speaks in poetry (is it poetic because it's backwards?) and Phin in images. I love the textures of the heart. And the heart is at home - as it is for us all, and why the saying goes as it goes. And am I mistaken in seeing that what is next is the bluebird of happiness? A pearl of great price? In your own backyard? Do you do all of those images consciously, or do you just have a delicious subconscious that enjoys sneaking out in your art?