
Thursday, June 08, 2006

Just a Doodle

Rosé inspired, while pondering Illustration Friday's topic, Self-Portrait.

Sometimes I look in the mirror and only see a broken heart. Those moments protected by barbed strands of humor, sarcasm, stanoffishness and indifference.


Ragged Around the Edges said...

This is beautiful, but it breaks my heart to see it.

Nan said...

This is so much more than just a doodle.

It's strong and vibrantly beautiful.

If it hadn't been broken, could the butterfly have escaped?

phinner said...

I guess that little butterfly could be called "Hope."

madretz said...

It speaks a thousand words...

MadMonk said...

Absolutely Stunning! Looks like a very personalized tattoo to me though I'm not so sure it's something one wants on their body for the rest of their life