it ended up being a good day otherwise. nice weather, lunch with my buddy, mtb plans, met w/ teacher to talk abt assignments, chatted with KD.
I suppose all days can't be sunshine and roses. I miss my shuffle.
anyway...finished this piece for my art class. independent study. the colored bits are leftovers from class last quarter, the wire heart was hand formed and stitched on. I like it!
: .)
Cute! I hope your Ipod turns up. :(
Oh! I likey too!!!
Hope the ipod is returned!!
Word verification: STRIZE... appropriate for you me thinks :)
bummer about the ipod....and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that the squares and the heart are WOW! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
and to go along with sharmaine's word verification was "HEER OMEN".....I'm hoping that's not a sign....LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
I LOVE it!!!
hope your ipod turns up!
Darnit, hope you find the Shuffle. And the heart is so very sweet, yet so very strong. Nice element.
Awwww you lost your ipod. I'd rather lose a few men I know than lose that! Love that page..beautiful!
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